55: Funding Proposal - Xqua | Analytics and GraphDB
To summarize the work:
Analytics on Voter behavior on Snapshot: Found that most voters only voted once, then never came back
Analytics on Metcartel shares and voting behavior: Found that having most shares was an incentive to voting more, but the signal wasn’t as strong as one might expect.
Graph DB: Constructed the Database Schema, and the data injestor for DAOHaus, Discourse and Snapshot. I also include a Demo file with a few example queries and how it could integrate with a product.
Full detail on Discourse
Relevent Link: forum.daohaus.club/t/funding-proposal-xqua-payment-for-graph-db-and-analytics/10534
Applicant: 0xF0552F71fDdd72ae6d0F59EfE3fCcFFc39aF21FF
Shares: 25
Loot: 0
Tribute Offered: 0
Payment Requested: 2400000000000000000000