: Whitelist Token Proposal - Add BANK token

: Whitelist Token Proposal - Add BANK token

looks like BANK token has already been bridged from main net to xdai so LFG
Relevent Link: blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0x3985DBA7Fb95eF9E35142cfF0e829979F2491E3b/transactions
Applicant: 0xae91cb00c413a8d6089ba0bc8bf66fba47a912ea
Shares: 0
Loot: 0
Tribute Offered: 0
Payment Requested: 0

clearly this is not our Bankless DAO token, so will not vote NO to whitelist this token, we will need to verify if there is a token contract for BANK tokens available on xDAI, and ask people from Bankless DAO to bridge https://omni.xdaichain.com/bridge so we can whitelist the correct BANK token to our DAO and have it added as one of the assets in our UnbanksyTV DAO main treasury


ok, will vote NO too. Will I ask at Bankless DAO ?


So ok, we double-checked and bridged some BANK tokens ourselves from Eth to Xdai. The token address in Daohaus is correct and seems the issue is in the Daohaus system, the value displayed is wrong, so checking with them to get this fixed.


Great you are sorting this out guys. Let us know of the outcome :slight_smile: