The topic of how to balance work for Diamond DAO and side projects came up during our 8/15 call, and I want to propose a system to handle distribution of funds for now.
To reflect, the main point was how much funds Diamond DAO members should contribute to the treasury for work completed on side projects?
My view at this stage in Diamond DAO is to present a guiding principle that requires trust of the member to consider a few questions:
- How much did your affiliation with Diamond DAO help in winning the contract?
- How much of the work you completed has tangential/network value to Diamond DAO?
- What is your personal situation, and how much can you afford to contribute to the treasury vs. keep so that you can live the life you want?
At this stage of web3 development the process of social connecting and network building holds high future potential value, and so I want to reduce the friction for our members to work on projects and build a network. Additionally I recognize that everyone has their own financial situation to evaluate and make choices about. I want to respect that.
In the spirit of self-organization and freedom I recommend we set a target percentage amount to contribute back to the Diamond DAO treasury if the work came about, or was related to work you’ve done for Diamond DAO. Then allow the flexibility for the member’s personal financial situation to come into play.
We should be open to revisiting the policy if we detect abuse, greed, poor incentives, but I don’t expect that problem to arise yet. This requires trust, but is the easiest system to administer at this stage, and I believe works well for now.
If others agree with this general approach, the consensus we need is what is a fair target percentage to set?