Sustainability Discourse

Here is a quick summary of some of the major questions that surfaced during the conversation and notes. At your earliest convenience, please add any other major questions that weren’t capture, or should be asked, in the comments. Hold off on answering the questions themselves for now, as some of us can work together to prepare a better format for that.

View the full notes from last conversation

Some options that were discussed:

  • Protocol Fee
    • ex. flat % fee
  • Marketplace Fees
    • ex. fees through 3rd parties
  • Public Goods Funding
    • Retroactive
    • Quadratic funding
  • B2B Partnerships/Deals
    • ex. larger partnerships and services
  • Continuous/Periodic Raises
    • current method
  • Subscription fee
  • Donation (opt-in)
  • Mixed bag of many options

These questions are specific to the scope of DAOhaus and any potential value accrual mechanism(s)


What is our definition of sustainable?

Would our product be better if we were more sustainable?

Does adding a fee compromise some of our other value accrual mechanisms (such as public goods funding, receiving donations, etc)

What about DAOhaus must remain exclusively a public good?

Are we still a ‘Public Good’ if we charge fees?

What are some good examples of organizations/projects that use sustainable mechanisms that leave a major component as a public good?

Is it too early to be considering revenue/sustainability? Should we wait until there is more traction? What happens if we don’t consider revenue/sustainability at this point?

Are we comfortable charging for basic access to daos like summoning a dao, or using the interface?

If so, should we prioritize access to contracts or the frontend?

How might we determine, and measure, sentiment of users around introducing a fee?

Is warcamp’s role to propose a solution and/or enact a solution?

Should UberHaus manage any revenue/sustainability decisions?

Is our goal sustainability or maximum profit?

Is the signal that we are committed to sustainability important to the community, both internal and external?

Are we okay creating barriers to entry via some fee if it leads to sustainability?

How does introducing a central fee impact our ability to compete effectively with other solutions?

Should we try to disrupt those creating closed ecosystems?

What are the risks associated with taking exclusively a Marketplace approach?

What are the risks associated with taking exclusively a Protocol fee?

What are the risks of taking exclusively a Public Goods Funding approach?

What are the risks of taking exclusively a B2B approach?

What are the risks of Continuous/Periodic Raises (our current method)?

How important is simplicity vs complexity in the revenue/sustainability strategy we implement?

What is the impact of using many models together, and what impact would each would have on the others?

What is the impact of getting forked (Risks/Benefits)?


Adding this link here for reference. Lots of good thoughts from fall of last year that are still relevant for our current exercise (even if just has a historical reference):

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