Proposal: Onboard new projects to UberHAUS via The MetaXelerator

The MetaXelerator

TL;DR The MetaXelerator is designed to onboard new projects into the Ethereum web3 ecosystem with the end goal of adding new DAOs/communities to the DAOhaus platform and stimulate the connecting organizations. By enabling individuals or groups to start ‘micro-event’ local meetups, a local-area recruiting machine can be created that incorporates the entire MetaEcosystem (DAOhaus, Raid Guild, MetaCartel, etc.) and helps to spread awareness of the incorporated brands.

Why Local Events?

Local events have great potential to build strong in-person communities around DAOs and can be foundational in scaling up much larger events around the world. Forming local communities around DAOs, or more specifically DAOhaus, can also lead to IRL DAOhauses, which can support contributor co-working spaces and streamline both contributor and project onboarding.

Meshing both the digital and IRL realms in a more fluid process flow will help form deeper connections to our work in DAOs and its intentions (people). DAOs are considered by many to be human-centric tools of coordination, therefore more IRL experiences should be deemed vital to the growth and progression of the space.

With affordable and consistent local meetups designed to act as IRL hubs, DAOhaus can not only become a staple in society that ushers in a new era of organizational structure and coordination tools, but a standard for how to truly DAO it. Real people, working on real projects, making a real impact on the world.

MetaXelerator Flow

The MetaXelerator flow consists of clear and concise steps that create a highly efficient process for new projects to deploy fully functional products and communities. This process includes a multi-level vetting procedure, where the projects are reviewed with feedback during each major milestone by organizations within the MetaEcosystem.

While the process highlighted below outlines steps that incorporate full funding and development rounds utilizing the MetaEcosystem, not all steps will be relevant for all projects. Some projects may have developers to build the product, funding to hire Raid Guild on their own, or both and just looking to supplement their overall development.

MetaXelerator process:

Step 1: A MetaXelerator Meetup is held in a MetaXelerator Host’s local area and a new startup is looking for assistance.

Step 2: The MetaXelerator Host connects the project in the DAOhaus Discord and introduces them to UberHAUS. The project then applies for a UberHAUS grant to cover the costs of a Raid Guild consultation and maybe for the specs to be built(?).

Step 3: The Raid Guild consultation goes well and specs are built for an MVP.

Step 4: With the specs built, the project applies for a MetaCartel grant.

Step 5: The project is approved for a grant and should then create a DAO on the DAOhaus platform in order for the core team to manage the grant.

Step 6: Once the grant is secured in the project’s DAO, Raid Guild is hired to build the MVP.

Step 7: After the MVP is built, the project can launch its own token - giving a portion of it as a membership tribute to UberHAUS.

Step 8: With the project’s DAO established and MVP built, it then applies for a MetaCartel Ventures pre-seed round.

Step 9: Once pre-seed is secured in the project’s DAO, it then hires Raid Guild to build the beta version of the product.

Step 10: The project now has a DAO, beta product, token, and UberHAUS membership, so the project launches a PoolHAUS (or CCO) in order to build liquidity and community around the token.

Step 11: With PoolHaus (or CCO) built, the project leverages its partnerships with MetaCartel, DAOhaus and Raid Guild to promote the project and its PoolHAUS (or CCO), to ultimately build liquidity for its token and a strong community around the project.

Step 12: Once the PoolHAUS (or CCO) and community building is a success, the project now has the necessary support to deploy and scale the full release of its product.

Extracting Value

Each project that comes through the MetaXelerator process would be leveraging services provided by Raid Guild, making use of MetaCartel Grants and Ventures, DAOing up and joining UberHAUS and giving a portion of their native tokens to the UberHAUS treasury, and bringing more value and users to the DAOhaus platform.

There is also room in this value flow to include other connecting projects/organizations, such as other dev & design guilds, existing apps, and other relevant solutions.


The MetaXelerator hosts / contributors will act as guides, or MetaGuides, offering a supportive role for the projects going through the MetaXelerator program, track their progression and record KPIs.

MetaXelerator (MX) DAO

The MetaXelerator DAO will be the coordination and execution point for MX hosts and general contributors. The MX DAO is where funding will be requested from UberHAUS and MetaCartel, new MX hosts and contributors can be approved, and funding distributed for overhead and compensation. Full-time jobs have the potential of forming from this venture.

Offering proper incentive with long term benefits will be vital to the MetaXelerator’s success.

Incentive Model for MetaXelerator Hosts / Contributors

The incentive model will revolve around the MetaXelerator DAO leveraging UberHAUS, MetaCartel and various sponsors for funding to compensate the MX Hosts and contributors.

  • Offer grants to cover the costs of the meetups and pay to cover the time spent organizing and hosting the meetups.
  • Give a special Discord role for MetaXelerator Hosts/contributors across the MetaEcosystem.
  • Incorporate POAPs (for both the Hosts and attendees) for each event.
  • Bonuses for MX Hosts/DAO based on KPIs

Sponsorship Opportunities

The MetaXelerator DAO will accept sponsorships in the form of Loot tributes, and will have advertisement abilities at the MetaXelerator events.

Starting a MetaXelerator Meetup Event

Anyone can start a local MetaXelerator meetup by first creating a proposal to join the MX DAO, then becoming an MX Host and requesting funding from its treasury. The meetups can be hosted on the Meetup app, Eventbrite and/or using Kickback.

Meetup Event Template / Standardized Process

Meetups should be standardized to an extent where successful process flows are implemented based on collected KPIs. Each MetaXelerator Host or Host Group can still use the opportunity to market their own projects and/or recruit into their DAOs, which still adds value to the MetaEcosystem. Although, if the MetaXelerator Hosts do not perform well or meet the required minimum of projects onboarded, they will lose their ability to host these events.

Each MetaXelerator event should have:

  • An official MetaXelerator banner (Need designs - Adrienne maybe)
  • Basic guidlines for the event flow (coming soon - from Jeremy)
  • A POAP to distribute to the Attendees (Need POAPGOD)
  • Complimentary food and/or drinks (MetaXelerator DAO treasury)

Event Flow and Pitch Template (WIP by Jeremy)

A standardized event flow will make it easy for the MX hosts to pop-up events and follow basic guidelines. A template for pitching these events will be required, something that can be used for advertising the events and displaying it within event apps (deck, content, design).

Tracking KPIs

For the MetaXelerator

  • how many make it through the process
  • what kind of projects make it through
  • at what point do projects fall off
  • average funding received for initial MC grant
  • average funding received from MC ventures
  • how is the funding spent

For the projects

  • community/user growth
  • native token distribution
  • native token value
  • value flow throughout the project
  • use-cases built

Scaling Ideas

IRL DAOhauses

Local community owned or rented co-working spaces that make it easy to recruit more contributors and onboard new projects into the MetaXelerator program.

Digital MetaXelerator Events and/or onboarding

Digital MetaXelerator events could potentially be held for the anons and shadow dwellers, although its effective impact could be significantly less than in-person local events.

It should also be noted that it is not required for projects to be onboarded only through local events, but through various digital avenues as well, such as Discord, websites, forums etc.

In the case of digital onboarding, the MX hosts / contributors can act as MetaGuides, who offer a supportive role for projects going through the MetaXelerator program.

Contributor Roles

Doc/Record Keepers
KPI Trackers
Sponsor Ambassadors

Startup Funding Requested

Jeremy Klein is requesting an initial 5,000 DAI for:

  • Writing this paper
  • Establishing the MetaXelerator DAO
  • Recruiting some contributors and initial MetaXelerator Hosts
  • Creating official templates for the Hosts
  • Working with a designer to create some banners and order them for the events
  • Organizing the first local MetaXelerator meetups.

Yalor has given a soft approval for MetaCartel to cover half.

MX DAO Treasury: 0xe228718b481d867db4669d8549a77a92c172876c
Jeremy Klein: 0x914AA366fc6AF1CEF6d8B98Dd24b2842E0d14c39


a lot of this process exists and functions already, and making it a explicit process in the haus with support would be incredible


I love the way this brings together so many forms of capital (social, technical, financial) within the MC family!

A few stray thoughts/questions (in no particular order):

  • I’d make it poolHAUS and/or a CCO. I think of those two constructs as complements more than alternatives.
  • Is there a way to build in (even if informally or aspirationally at this point) other services provided by service DAOs using DAOhaus? For example, in addition to dev/product services from Raid Guild: PR services from YAP DAO, talent recruiting services from the would-be ScoutDAO, docs & videos from SplainerDAO, etc. If so, would really prove out the value to the UberHaus ecosystem at large.
  • Should we also be considering IRL hackathons for the top of the funnel?
  • To what degree can projects enter this funnel at various stages vs. needing to start at the top? In other words, can existing projects with some degree of product already built get involved?
  • +1 to poolHAUS and/or CCO
  • Most definitely, it would be pretty easy to supplement the process with various other services.
  • Yes, hackathons would be a great recruitment source.
  • Varying stages can enter the program for sure. We can incorporate onboarding processes for all of those stages.

I was thinking that many of the processes and functions do exist. So would we be better off consolidating some of those existing processes and functions into this proposal?

Also, I think there’s huge value to IRL experiences. I actually think there are things we can do to onboard some significant talent from a wide variety of regions by offering these IRL experiences.


This is a great proposal! It very much reminds me of the Github Go-To- Market and their concept of “drink ups”.

I agree with @spencer that we should open this up to a larger set of “services” than the above mentioned DAOs. What exactly these services are, i would hope the participants within the meet-ups can teach us.

Hence my points:

A critical unlock in doing this successfully will be for us as a community to learn about the needs and want of the participants in these workshops: " How can we be of service? What are the greatest frictions you are currently encountering etc."

At the top of the funnel, success will be creating a “repeatable playbook” that is super easy to execute for immanent contributors. This playbook should be available in multiple languages and cater to cultural contexts.

@nickjrishwain I like your point on many of these processes already existing. Whom would Jeremy and I need to sit down with to quickly map them out and get a status quo?

looking forward contributing to this.