Proposal: Bounty for completion of work

Proposal: Wrap my 1000xDai payment for previous work into the following bounty


  • initialize Chainverse discord bot which, on connection to a Guild (a discord server), logs to a single JSON file Guild metadata, users, and channels

Address: 0x6F1A3741a2F7C9cF854079564F38F372Aa7D09C3


Here’s an example of the JSON data this exports for a Guild


“id”: “896568153914605618”,
“name”: “karmacustodian’s server”,
“icon”: null,
“features”: [],
“commands”: [],
“members”: [
“channels”: [
“bans”: [],
“roles”: [
“stageInstances”: [],
“invites”: [],
“deleted”: false,
“splash”: null,
“banner”: null,
“description”: null,
“verificationLevel”: “NONE”,
“vanityURLCode”: null,
“nsfwLevel”: “DEFAULT”,
“discoverySplash”: null,
“memberCount”: 2,
“large”: false,
“applicationId”: null,
“afkTimeout”: 300,
“afkChannelId”: null,
“systemChannelId”: “896568153914605622”,
“premiumTier”: “NONE”,
“premiumSubscriptionCount”: 0,
“explicitContentFilter”: “DISABLED”,
“mfaLevel”: “NONE”,
“joinedTimestamp”: 1634585419373,
“defaultMessageNotifications”: “ALL_MESSAGES”,
“systemChannelFlags”: 0,
“maximumMembers”: 250000,
“maximumPresences”: null,
“approximateMemberCount”: null,
“approximatePresenceCount”: null,
“vanityURLUses”: null,
“rulesChannelId”: null,
“publicUpdatesChannelId”: null,
“preferredLocale”: “en-US”,
“ownerId”: “696895228522659894”,
“emojis”: [],
“stickers”: [],
“shardId”: 0,
“createdTimestamp”: 1633828905324,
“nameAcronym”: “ks”,
“iconURL”: null,
“splashURL”: null,
“discoverySplashURL”: null,
“bannerURL”: null

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Sweet! Looking forward to seeing what’s next. Will the output also include messages in public channels?

Yes, this iteration will include data on existing messages in each channel.