: Member Proposal - Add Member Nick Caputo

: Member Proposal - Add Member Nick Caputo

I’m Nick, a good friend of Carl Farterson. I’ve come to Solidity and Web 3.0 from the world of Mobile Android/iOS, React Native, JS and also business dev for startups, and teach people how to “speak” their tech to non-technical people. Also write a lot of fantasy. Giant nerd. Up all the time, mostly on PST. Probably composed of 90% coffee vs water, and always contactable!
Relevent Link: ipfs.io/ipfs/QmSEBPY2nYU1jfe3CRKtjpGSBzSvTdko1Qu8amK4R7T1dt?filename=2010.jpeg
Applicant: 0x217A1121dB1eeaCC6f50703eC0a92885e0d8d2d4
Shares: 380
Loot: 0
Tribute Offered: 1
Payment Requested: 0