Hey RAID Guild [and DAOHaus]
I wrote this post in the 1hive forum, and I got some feedback to turn it into an Inter-DAO league, with a basket of tokens for the reward.
Basically, it’s a competitive game where each Team incubates a monetized youtube channel by publishing public courses [playbooks] on Skillshare 3-4 times a month.
Building media channels on these platforms [Youtube and Skillshare] generally require suffering through an extended unmonetized Dip, but this can be fixed by combining Competitive Team Subsidization and Publicly Accessible Courses.
Channel Teams who ship 3-4 courses each month compete for a % of the monthly pool reward based on a set of performance metrics.
If a team flakes or cheats, they are disqualified and eliminated.
Experiment lasts 16 weeks.
Entry is around 5k DAI per Team.
[1250 DAI per month.]
I heard Raid Guild was branching out into marketing and onboarding, so this would pair well with that. In addition – I think RAID guild would produce strong [Cryptocurrency | Web Dev] Courses.
DAOHaus would benefit for the same reason MetaGame or 1Hive Gardens would benefit. – DAO Incubation and Onboarding of Trained Project Managers in different areas.
If RAID Guild or DAOHaus is interested, I’d like to ask that you go to the forum post linked above, and opt in, or provide feedback.
Response has been positive so far with 1Hive, and District0x.
I have shared the post with Metagame.