Grant Proposal - WorkFi Tools

Project Title

WorkFi Tools


WorkFi Tools are open source solutions to boost the WorkFi industry, from decentralized freelance platforms to tools for complicated business processes. This proposal focuses on one key subsystem of the WorkFi: the reputation system for counterparts. It can also be suitable for a wide variety of other applications like decentralized Uber-like DAOs or marketplaces. The implementation is supposed to be a set of smart-contracts for EVM-compatible blockchains like Moonbeam and others.

Manifesto / Vision

Our mission is to deliver open-source protocols, tools, and solutions, that will:

  1. Accelerate the development of the emerging WorkFi industry (that includes web3-powered services and products that organizes work in companies, among individual entrepreneurs and freelancers)
  2. Be useful in community/DAO-related startups by implementing our highly configurable Reputation System.
  3. Make web3 products and services easier to implement.


  • Many industries need to digitize reputation/trust (basically, all the services and products that can be provided of different quality, from dental treatment to cars)
  • There is no reputation system, that is open source, easy to implement and has necessary modules


Highly configurable reputation system as a core and different services that relies on it.

Product Features

Responsible invites

Responsible attitude towards who a person invites to use the platform. The invitation can be withdrawn if the invited users do not fulfill their obligations. This part affects the inviter’s rating as well.

Responsible rates

Responsible attitude to how the user rates input of other members of the community, understanding the consequences of his ratings for users and for his own rating level.

Attributive rates

Changes in reputation indicators depend on the user’s competencies (software, hard skills, area of knowledge and work).

Rates typology

Relevant options for categorizing the most appropriate ways to rate users in certain cases.


Guarantee the fact that the invited user fulfills his obligations. This part affects both: the inviter’s rating as well as the invited user’s rating.

Soft Skills (Community Development)

System of protocols for giving feedback to community users according to their soft skills in the most appropriate and efficient way.

Hard Skills (Community Development)

System of protocols for giving feedback to community users according to their hard skills in the most appropriate and efficient way.

Community contribution

Community development system which includes ways to motivate and increase the level of user involvement and contribution to the community.

Proof of commission

Algorithm for verifying user actions, including resistance to scam and fraudulent actions.

Anti fraud

Analysis and evaluation of use cases in which users can fraudulently raise their reputation and create bots; solution development towards what changes should be implemented in the protocol to prevent such actions.

Reputation providers

Interaction of a service (platform) and several reputation providers, as well as ways to aggregate information using data from several reputation providers.

Macroeconomic parameters

Macroeconomic regulation of reputation indicators and ways of changing reputation indicators depending on internal economic trends within services.


We received interest from several Web3 projects and DAOs. Everyone says they need a reliable reputation system


We have completed the research phase, published initial documentation and started working on protocol drafts in 16 directions – submodules of reputation ecosystem:

We have also started outreach for collaboration and partnerships with communities, Web 3 foundations and Blockchains.

Differentiation (from other project)

There are some similar known projects:

Your Justice is a conflict resolving system. WorkFi Tools includes conflict resolving as a module as well, but it’s a more extensive system focused on reputation.

Kleros’ value proposition is decentralized arbitration for dispute resolution; our vision is more general as we consider dispute resolution a part of reputation system. A solution like Kleros might be used as a submodule of our system.

Orange doesn’t provide means to create reputation (via voting or other means). It only helps with aggregating on-chain data to interpret facts and behavior as reputation aspects. While theoretically, this can be used for WorkFi, this makes each service that reads or modifies one’s reputation to reinvent the wheel. We believe that ready-to-use reputation aspects and procedures for their modification will be much more helpful for the industry.


Team members

  • Kir Guzenko (team leader, product owner, CTO, smart-contracts developer)
  • Alexander Sirach (partnerships, IR)
  • Artem Zolochevskii (fullstack, web3, and smart-contracts developer)
  • Yakov (Iakov) Litvin (fullstack, web3, and smart-contracts developer, devops, software analyst)
  • Dmitry Eremin (backend and smart-contracts developer, QA, software analyst)
  • Lev Gavrilov (marketing, community)
  • Vitaliy Ilnitskiy (UX design)

All dev team members have 7-20 years of experience. Github accounts:

Kir: enkogu (KIrill Enkogu) · GitHub
Yakov: YakovL (Yakov Litvin) · GitHub
Dmitry: EreminD · GitHub
Artem: azol (azol) · GitHub

Grant Request

We are requesting $28,000 to fund the first of 7 milestones that will allow us to release protocols and Solidity library with all reputation system modules for companies, communities, freelancers, and DAOs. We will be happy to get funding for other milestones, and we are applying to multiple grant programs.

The first milestone (15 weeks) is to set boundaries for the whole library, design interfaces, and the core of the reputation system (RS). We have been working for 8 weeks on it.

  • Milestone 1: $28,000
  • Milestone 2: $20,000
  • Milestone 3: $20,000
  • Milestone 4: $20,000
  • Milestone 5: $20,000
  • Milestone 6: $20,000
  • Milestone 7: $20,000

Total for the project: $148,000

What The Funds Are For

We need funding to pay salary to developers. We are bootstrapping all other expenses.

Milestones details:

Milestone 1 - Core. Reputation providers. Hyperparameters management. Inflation.

Milestone 2 - Rates. Dispute resolution. Court system.

Milestone 3 - Community growth. Responsible invites. Guarantee.

Milestone 4 - Conflict resolving. Dispute resolution. Court system.

Milestone 5 - P2P Crowdsource. P2P verification.

Milestone 6 - Community development. Hard skills. Community contribution.

Milestone 7 - Security. Proof of commission. Antifraud.

Help Requested

Any help with spreading the word.

Additional Resources, Links, Portfolio

GithHub: GitHub - workfi-tools/Protocol