Grant Proposal - AML Crypto

Project Title
AML Crypto - Blockchain Analytics & Crypto Investigation.
We create analytical tool for tracking the movement of crypto assets from address to address to counter fraudsters in laundering stolen funds.

The service allows you to conduct a mass analysis of wallets to minimize the risks of blocking, as well as conduct investigations into the flow of cryptocurrencies between addresses.

We create analytical tool for tracking the movement of crypto assets from address to address to counter fraudsters in laundering stolen funds.

In 2021, it became known about the stolen 9.9 billion dollars
in the cryptosphere. As a rule, attackers try to transfer the
stolen funds through exchanges to fiat. If they succeed, the
probability of returning the funds is significantly reduced.

To increase the chances of getting dirty funds through CEX,
attackers try to hide the origin of funds by creating a large
number of transit addresses before transferring assets to the
The primary task facing the victim of fraud is to find the
address where the stolen assets are located as soon as
possible. Then track them down to the exchange. From the
moment the funds enter the exchange, the exchanges allow
no more than 48 hours for the victim to react, and it takes
even less time for the attackers to make a return of funds

In most cases, the user doesn’t have time to track the
movement of funds stolen from him to the exchange and
react to it in time. As a result, the attacker manages to cash
out the stolen funds or confuse the traces as much as
possible (swap tokens, withdraw assets to fiat, transfer stolen
assets to another address, using the exchange as a tool to
hide traces).

We at AML Crypto are developing two solutions: Bholder and Btrace.
Bholder is a product that allows, using a communication graph, to conduct investigations on crypto incidents. The key convenience is the ability to analyze the flow of funds in a convenient way.
This feature formed the basis of another of our
tools - Btrace.

Btrace - detective bot for tracking transactions and addresses.
Having taken possession of other people’s cryptocurrencies, attackers will want to “clean” the acquisition, that is, cash out - interrupt the chain of “dirty” funds. To date, there are two ways - cryptomats and exchanges.

Product Features
Bholder - The key convenience is the ability to analyze the flow of funds in a convenient way. Allows you to investigate incidents with cryptocurrencies, identify stable patterns of user behavior, and receive a risk score via API.
Btrace is:
• An analytical tool that allows the user to monitor
individual addresses, receive notifications about
the movement of funds to transit addresses and to
exchange accounts.
• An analytical tool that will allow you to identify a
possible path of funds between two addresses or a
set of intermediate addresses, where the path is
displayed in the form of a communication graph.
• API, through which the community will be able to
receive information about the possible amount of
connection of two addresses, taking into account
the dates of transactions.

Progress & Validation
We received grant from Everscale.
Qlik Tech regularly invites us as a speaker at data analytics conferences (Nur-Sultan, Tashkent, Baku).


Grant Request $

  • 100k USD

What the Funds Are For
Setup node and start indexing.
ETL - Index Validators, Account, Value Flow, Smart Contracts, etc.
Development analytic tool for address monitoring.
Enriching analytical tool with information of visual display through Graph
Refinement of the analytical tool with the functionality of analyzing the possible flow
of funds between 2 addresses.
Implementation of the API functionality for the possibility of obtaining information
about the relationship of addresses.

Additional Resources, Links, Portfolio