[Grant Application] web3 Warri Ladies meetup


To drive the massive adoption of web3 and blockchain technology amongst women, I am proposing to host a web3 focused ladies and under-represented meetup.


To get as many women as possible to get into web3 and those already in tech to transition into web3.


Since starting the web3 Warri, I have had the honor of co-organizing a couple of workshops and meetups. Our membership strength has grown to 90 plus on our official meetup page.

But what has gotten my attention is the low turn out of women and under-represented groups at our meetups. For example, we usually have an average number of 40 people per meetup, with less than 5 percent of these attendees being women or members of the under-represented group, leaving me as one of the few women who attend these meetups.


To drive the massive adoption of web3 and blockchain technology amongst women, I am proposing to host a web3 focused ladies and under-represented meetup.

To bring onboard more females and drive diversity and inclusion in the web3 Warri community

Validation / Traction / Progress so far-

Started the web3 Warri community in February, 2023 and we have hosted three meet-ups and workshops so far in partnership with the Graph protocol with average attendance of 40 persons.

As at the time of submitting this proposal we have grown as a community to over 95 members on our official meetup page and we are currently on the GitCoin Grants 18 #GG18 rounds under web3 education and category.


I am passionate about teaching and continuous learning through community involvement and development - I am a community builder. This passion has led me to being the co-organizer (from 2018 to 2022) of the GDG Warri, women techmakers ambassador and “I am Remarkable” ambassador.

In February of 2023, I co-founded the web3 Warri to help foster the adoption of blockchain technology and growing of the ecosystem, through meetups, workshops, hackathons, and conferences.

  • Charles Freeborn - co-founder, web3 Warri, Technical Writer and Graph Advocate

Charles is a technical writer with five years plus of experience. He has a strong background in Computer Science and Front-end web development. He is focused on Web3, a transition he made in 2021 when he joined Protocol Labs as a technical content strategist, helping the team with IPFS, and Filecoin.

Grant Amount Requested


What it will be used for?

  • Venue
  • Food including water and beverages (excluding alcohol)
  • Vendor charges
  • Publicity/promo items
  • Swags
  • Internet services

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