: Funding Proposal - UberHaus Identity and Transparency Retainer Months 3 and 4
20k usd at Haus spot price of 12.5 dollars (1600 HAUS) to be transferred to Boost Foundry’s Vanilla Minion “Ford Prefect” and shared according to performance and time invested by the consortium formed under raidguild
Relevent Link: www.figma.com/file/mEbfPyUpLI0UECbwIOI3hI/UberHaus-Brand?node-id=0%3A1
Applicant: 0xfb1b59aefbff5c4229c303dab93497e2315da33f
Shares: 0
Loot: 0
Tribute Offered: 0
Payment Requested: 1600