Funding Proposal - Tokenomics/Partnerships Residency | 3 months

This is a proposal to serve as a tokenomics and partnerships resident for the next 3 months (May, June, and July)

My working proposal

Expected contributions during residency

  • Finish an idealized version of the tokenomics paper (with overall mechanics and exploration of the stakeholders and their interactions - based on these ideas)
  • Finish the modeling for the tokenomics approach mentioned on the above topic.
  • Help with partnerships, integrating the new elements of tokenomics to new potential deals and collaborations.
  • Create a reward function for Chainverse users integrating them into the DD incentives system.
  • Help curate and integrate DAO members’ ideas and suggestions on how to design and develop the DAO’s tokenomics and incentives system.

Potential next steps / how the role can evolve

  • Partnership development
    • Create detailed precification strategies for potential new deals
    • Work with DAOs on token swap opportunities / post-development opportunities
    • Gather new potential deals by talking to people in the space
  • Tokenomics integration
    • Work with other DAOs to integrate our product/tokenomics into other products/services
    • Develop detailed reward functions for different use cases
    • Develop and integrate new ideas for tokenomics as we gain traction / learn more
    • Create monitoring systems for incentives distribution
    • Perform analysis on the impacts of the incentives in all segments of token holders

About me

I have a background in Economics, having worked in the Financial sector for more than five years as a Financial Analyst. In the last 4 years, I have been transitioning to data science, and in the last 2 years, I have been working as a data analyst for a web2 company (you can check more here) .

I joined web3 due to DeFi. I have been an avid user for a couple of years and I am really passionate about the space and mainly, tokenomics. I don’t have a track record of working in tokenomics for other DAOs yet, but I strongly believe I can help Diamond DAO come up with its first
tokenomics strategy.

My track record with the Diamond DAO

  • I recently finished 2 analyses for the DAO working on the POAP Data Landscape bounty, you can check more about it here.
  • I have created a POAP data pipeline for the DAO (here)
  • Finished the first tokenomics deep dive here.
  • Recently finished a polished version for the high-level tokenomics here.

Timeline and compensation

(Based on this framework)

  • Comfort level = Comfortable
  • Time commitment = 17 hours a week (on average)
  • Stablecoin compensation = $3050/month
  • Share compensation: 15 shares
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** detailing the token for the compensation (wxDAI)