Funding Proposal | Payment for Manual Research (Activation Bounty + Subsequent Research)

Requesting payment for completion of manual qualitative research on 180 DAO records (for research on records completed prior to switching to data app), at the following comp structure:

Activation Bounty: First 40 records: 250 wxDAI + 4 shares
Subsequent records: 25 wxDAI & 1 share per 10 records
Records completed: 180 (40 activation bounty, 140 subsequent records)
Bonus request: 5 shares for work in refining data fields, creating loom vid, training calls.

Applicant: 0xD1897Df3Ebb060ED9Cb2834dA83ce8D8431e2D34
Shares: 23
Payment: 600 wxDAI


Looks good! I think we have adequate signal to put on-chain.