Funding Proposal - But is a Moloch sovereign? I know I am still a citizen and plan to use it to my advantage

Project Title Sentient Sovereign Sanctuary

Description I am currently engaged in a project that originated from an incident about a year and a half ago when I fell into a sting operation. Despite facing legal challenges, my aim is to navigate through the complexities of the legal system and assert my rights. The situation involves charges that were dismissed without prejudice but escalated to a grand jury. Facing personal and financial difficulties, I am challenging the system, aiming to expose its flaws and seek justice.

Manifesto/Vision If successful, I plan to leverage my experience to develop an ERC-721 project, enabling users to crowdfund validator nodes or support related initiatives. The broader vision is to counteract the oppressive forces governing society, using blockchain and legal understanding to empower individuals.

Problem The fear of government surpassing the ideals of one nation under God and financial struggles have been recurring themes in my family. I am determined to prevent the same fate for my children and address the root problems that lead to such situations.

Solution Navigating due process has been challenging, and I am preparing for a final hearing. Utilizing blockchain technology and implementing a deadman switch, I am ensuring accountability and transparency in this legal battle. If successful, I intend to invest in community-based banking to counter the prevailing ‘bonds-4-business’ model.

Product Features The primary product feature is the release of trust funds, ranging from a minimum of $250,000 to a maximum of $50 million, depending on legal outcomes. Additionally, I propose an ERC-721 bond for a crowdfunded node and a governance token for those contributing to my cause.

Progress Currently at the halfway mark of my journey, I have dedicated the past nine months to extensive legal research. Financially strained but determined, I am approaching a critical milestone on 2/2 at 2:00 PM.

Differentiation (from other projects) I aim to expose and challenge a moloch-like entity, introducing decentralization and a blockchain-backed deadman switch. This project seeks to demonstrate the strength of decentralized currency and electronic forms against oppressive systems.

Team Currently, I am a solo participant, but I am open to collaboration and seeking individuals interested in contributing, particularly in the areas of front-end development and graphic design.

Grant Request $ $6000

What the Funds Are For

  • $2000: Set aside for initiating the NFT project, to be launched upon successful completion or failure.
  • $1000: Allocated for USPS, food, and any court filing fees.
  • $3000: For a vehicle to ensure reliable transportation for court appearances.

Help Requested Primarily seeking financial assistance, and in the event of success, looking for front-end developers and graphic designers.

Additional Resources, Links, Portfolio - Providing insight into the tri-county area I am up against. My extensive history in the cryptospace can be discussed in a group chat for those interested, despite any grammatical challenges due to my position on the autistic spectrum.