February Update

Monthly Update


February was an exciting month for Diamond DAO!

We had three goals for February:

  • Launching the Chainverse alpha for internal users.
  • Selecting the first cohort of Chainverse curators and onboarding them into Diamond DAO
  • Building awareness of Diamond DAO through introductory posts on Mirror, a public fundraising announcement, and research on community health metrics.

Launch Chainverse Alpha

  • [x] We launched the Chainverse Alpha on March 4.

The Chainverse graph covers more than 6,000 DAO and their members, including activities on Snapshot, DAOhaus, Mirror, Twitter, and NFT/ERC20 token transfers.

We are building pipelines to ingest data from additional sources, ranging from POAP data to Music NFT marketplace data (i.e. Sound.xyz, Catalog) to lightweight DAO frameworks (i.e. Juicebox).

The UI will support two workflows:

  • Search across DAO data, i.e. DeFi product designers, lawyers who work with DAOs, DAOs interested in token swaps
  • Collective knowledge management, rewarding users for taking notes on communities they participate in or learn about during the course of their day to day work.

Select first cohort of Chainverse curators

  • [x] Beta cohort forming.

The Chainverse beta cohort includes three user groups:

  • Diamond DAO members.
  • 13 individuals (excluding Diamond DAO members) who purchased early access NFTs, including the founder of Guild.xyz and the community lead at Mirror.
  • Members of Decentralized Science (DeSci) and Music NFT-focused DAOs who want to use Chainverse to identify contributors and investors.

We are on track to launch the beta on April 4th.
These initiatives will position us to launch a private beta in late March.

Build awareness of Diamond DAO through Mirror posts and DAO research

We are also conducting outreach to communities ranging from Mirror to PartyBid, to help them design strategies for understanding and engaging their communities.


We spent roughly $57,000 in February, about $2,000 over our target.

We project spend reducing to $43,000 in March, as several contributors transition into new roles.

Stay in touch

  • Join our Discord to stay connected to the pulse of our growing community.
  • View our roadmap and outstanding bounties in Clarity.
  • Share our website/s with potential contributors or users. Diamond DAO or using Chainverse
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