DH RFP006 - Developer Relations

Developer Relations Request For Proposal

Project Overview

Create a circle that grows the developer ecosystem. This includes engaging developer communities, creating documentation and providing developer support

Supporting Links

DAOhaus Collective Projection of Relative Importance of Objectives (v0.2)

Submitted by and contact

arentweall and ui369

Expected Goals

Which of the 13 attention points does this address?

  1. Ensure DAOhaus v2 runs smoothly (documentation as a peripheral Product)
  2. Build partnerships with external organizations
  3. Strengthen our developer ecosystem

v3 documentation will be considered in the next cycle of RFPs after the current round of documentation by the Product RFP is completed

Expected Budget

Core team
  • 10,000 DAI
  • 3,500 HAUS – locked for 1 year
Bounties and retroactive comp
  • 1,000 HAUS – locked for 1 year

Expected Timeline

2 months starting July

Metrics on success (deliverables/OKRs)

  • Manage relationships with all community developer teams, including organizing discovery calls, onboarding devs, etc.
  • Improve DAOhaus v2 documentation to:
    • Educate developers on technical architecture, code legos, etc.
    • Enable developers to build integrations under the Data Feeds model (i.e. Subgraph guides, example queries. etc.
  • Provide developer support to deliver new integrations
  • Organize bi-weekly developer community initiatives (e.g. Fishbowl live coding sessions)

Submission Requirements

  • Team and Roles, monthly comp
  • Completion Date
  • Roadmap/phases
  • DAO/Safe/Yeeter that will manage the funds
  • How does this fit into the short/medium/long term goals of the DAO?
  • Relevant past work or supporting links
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Proposal to address RFP006

Team and Roles, monthly comp

Name DAI / month HAUS / month*
arentweall 2,500 875
UI369 2,500 875

An additional 1,000 HAUS* for potential bounties (any unused balance will be returned at the end of the month).

*All HAUS to be locked in Hedgey NFTs for 1 year from distro date

Completion Date:
August 31, 2022


Timeframe Milestones
  • Manage relationships, engage & onboard developer teams
  • Organize bi-weekly developer community initiatives (e.g. Fishbowl live coding sessions)
  • Edit & publish video of fishbowl sessions
  • July
  • Complete documentation explainers on v2 architecture
  • Complete guides and tutorials to enable more integrations through the Data Feed model
  • Improve subgraph documentation & repo annotations
  • August Enable integrations to go live with above complete documentation

    Based on existing pipelines and progress, it looks like there will be 2 integrations that will be complete by end August.

    Safe that will manage funds
    ==To be summoned==

    How does this fit into the short/medium/long term goals of the DAO?

    There is existing demand today to build on the existing DAOhaus v2 infrastructure. Engaging, onboarding and giving these developers the tools & education to build on v2 will help to kickstart & have warm relationships for future v3 partnerships.

    By working with developers, the DevRel workstream is able to understand what these “customers” want in a composable DAO infrastructure. This helps us when prioritizing roadmap, providing feedback on developer interfaces, creating docs/tutorials/workshops for developer education. If the future of DAOhaus is composability, our “customers” in the future will be developers and we should be close to them.

    Relevant past work or supporting links