DH RFP 008 - DAO Content Market Strategy

DAOhaus Content Marking Strategy

Project overview

DAOhaus is in the midst of shipping v3 and needs to drive awareness, education, and excitement to the broader DAO community. DAOhaus also has created a trove of content that can be marketed to strengthen the thought-leadership of the DAOhaus brand, increase platform awareness, and improve DAO summoning.

Start a circle to develop and implement a content marketing strategy that leverages the current content and upcoming content of DAOhaus v3. This strategy should focus on raising awareness for DAOhaus v3, improving thought-leadership, and improving overall community relationships

Submitted by and contact

  • Kagami

Expected Goals

  • A content marketing strategy that spans multiple mediums including Twitter, Discord, and Substack (or other publishing mediums currently used by DAOhaus)
  • A workflow for implementing and managing the strategy
  • Implementation and management of the workflow
  • Creation and shipping of content on a regular cadence

Which of the 13 attention points does this address?

  • Strengthen DAOhaus brand and awareness
  • Strengthen DAOhaus user community

Expected Budget (Monthly)

  • DAI: $1,500
  • HAUS: $1,000

Expected Timeline

  • July: Assess and develop a content marketing strategy
  • August: Implementation and measurement of strategy

Metrics of Success (Deliverables/OKRs)

  • Content market strategy
  • Workflow and templates
  • Twitter - Impressions, engagement, follower count
  • Substack - impressions, subscriptions
  • Discord - Announcement reactions, increased users driven via Twitter/Substack
  • Google UTM parameters for tracking

Submission Requirements

  • Team and Roles, monthly comp
  • Completion Date
  • Roadmap/Phases
  • DAO/Address that will manage the funds
  • How does this fit into the DAOs short/medium/long term goals?
  • What opportunities does it create?

DAOhaus Content Marketing Strategy Proposal

Team and Roles, monthly comp

  • Kagami: $1500 DAI / $1000 HAUS

Completion Date

  • July: Content marketing strategy and workflow
  • August: Implementation and measurement

Roadmap / Phases

  • July: Content marketing strategy and workflow

  • Twitter content marketing

  • Discord marketing via announcements

  • August: Implementation and measurement

  • Creating + posting content on Twitter

  • Weekly announcements on Discord about progress

  • Weekly Twitter threads on things that happened at DAOhaus

DAO/Address that will manage the funds

  • TBD

How does this fit into the DAOs short/medium/long term goals?

DAOhaus has built an impressive platform with add-ons (boosts and minions), community (HAUS party and content), and is releasing the new v3. Spending time and resources on developing content to market these areas will contribute to

  • brand awareness
  • community
  • v3 adoption and awareness

The goal of this content marketing strategy isn’t to create new content, it’s to highlight the content already created or being created. This is about marketing:

  • what’s coming with v3 like the composable DAOhaus Connect demo or SBT token feature discussed internally
  • what’s been created like boosts and minions (the gnosis safe minion thread got people reaching out to say what a great feature this is)
  • community efforts like HAUS party that shares important insights
  • DAOhaus momentum like weekly accomplishments of products/features created, important community milestones, and events

What opportunities does this create?

This creates opportunities to educate and drive the adoption of DAOhaus. Boosts, minions, yeeter, and the overall DAOhaus community is a powerful selling point that is undermarketed currently.

Marketing the upcoming v3 launch and core functionality (like composability) creates excitement within the broader DAO community and attracts developers, summoners, and others to explore what DAOhaus is building.