Core Knowledge Base Request For Proposal 003

tags: Request For Proposal

Core Knowledge Base RFP003

Project overview

Over the last quarter we had many strong initiatives to map out processes around our internal DAO ops.

Much of this information is spread out across github, hackmd, discord and discourse.

It is valuable information and should be leveraged into an easy to access knowledge base. Things like: compensation track, buddy system, decision making processes, manifesto, rfp process, rituals, tutorials.

This would be part 1 of a larger initiative to a more polished user-oriented content portal

For example, in future iterations this can also be used as

  • A reference and starter repo for new daos.
  • All the core docs that DAOS need that are not about our software tools.
  • A template for new DAOs to create a starter/templated knowledge base
  • A place for daos to learn from each others successes and mistakes through their own contributions to the knowledge base

Supporting Links

current wiki

Submitted by and contact


Expected Goals

Colate documentation, research and development into a wiki/handbook this should include our research, experiments, surveys, tutorials, templates, checklists, governance and decision making processes.

An alpha web portal that gives easy access, discovery and navigation of this information.

A plan for a maintainer role to manage further issues, bounties, PRs, versioning and maintenance.

Expected Budget

Team 2k DAI
Team 600 HAUS
600 HAUS bounties

Expected Timeline

1 month starting July

Metrics on success (deliverables/OKRs)

  • DAOhaus ops Wiki, Knowledge base that is easy to reference and add too.
  • Process to add content and maintain

Submission Requirements

  • Team and Roles, monthly comp
  • Completion Date
  • Any current work or supporting links
  • Roadmap/phases
  • DAO/Safe/Yeeter that will manage the funds
  • How does this fit into the short/medium/long term goals of the DAO?

Proposal to address RFP003 (Rangers Ho!)

This proposal seeks to address RFP003 using the Rangers Ho! Bounty Model. This new circle is also bidding on RFP009. In the event that one or both proposals are accepted, the circle will form and incorporate the work & funds for the appropriate proposal(s) into the Bounty Model.

Team and Roles, monthly comp

Monthly Bounty Pool: 2000 DAI, 1200 HAUS

Core Team

Bounty Tasks
A weekly meeting will generate a work schedule with role/task assignments for the week using a bounty-board style project management system. These tasks may be assigned directly at weekly sync ups or placed on a bounty board for bids.

Compensation will be apportioned by task based on work performed at a rate ranging from $50 to $100 depending on type of work.

This is outcome-based work, not an hourly rate, but assumes that each task should represent around 1 hour of work.

Initial rate chart:

  • Organization & collation: $50
  • Document drafting: $50
  • Editing: $50
  • Final Draft & Publishing: $75
  • Graphic Design: $100
  • Video Editing: $100
  • Web Development: $100
  • Standards, Facilitation & Admin: $50

*Awarded compensation will be budgeted weekly: approximately $500/week
*Rates may be adjusted by core team based on feedback from contributors
*An additional 1200 locked HAUS will be held for potential haus-only bounties (any unused balance will be returned at the end of the month).

Rangers Ho!

This model allows for work to be “outsourced” to our current Ranger team. Some amount of this work (such as writing a document or collating existing resources) will be made available to the extended Ranger team each month.

Brand & Awareness Circle

Purpose Statement:

  • “Maintain and improve our brand & awareness within the larger ecosystem.”


  • “Collate documentation, research and development into a wiki/handbook.”
  • “Generate an alpha web portal”
  • “Plan for maintenance”


  • Roles will clarify expectations for any task-assigned contributor.
  • Role-based organization is captured in Sobol.
  • Roles will be created and updated as needed.
  • The resulting roles will capture the organizational memory of this operation, describing the essential elements needed to generate wikis & handbooks in the future.
  • Roles may be multi-filled.

Initial Role Structure:

Sobol Editor (Warcamp members should have Discord-linked account)

Example Collator Role:

Completion Date:
August 5, 2022 (4 weeks, beginning July 11)


Artifacts is the term used here to refer to any or all of: research, experiments, surveys, tutorials, templates, checklists, governance and decision making processes.

Ongoing Activities
  • 30m weekly meeting between UI369 & 01000011 to allocate priorities & budgets
  • Create and augment an “Artifact Repo”
  • Collects & itemiz as much research, experiments, surveys, tutorials, templates, checklists, governance and decision making processes that have served DAOhaus thus far
  • Week Output
    Week 1
  • Put out a call for Artifacts
  • Schedule interviews with key contributors to discover Artifacts
  • Initial research for web-portal (focus: cheap, quick, easy, good)
  • Week 2
  • Develop a high-level outline of Artifacts & Artifact Categories
  • Continue collecting artifacts
  • Week 3
  • Create a draft wiki/handbook with Artifacts gathered so far
  • Final call for artifacts
  • Week 4
  • No more new artifacts
  • Publish a wiki/handbook live online
  • Generate a maintenance plan for Artifact Repo
  • Teamwide approximate hours per week: 4-10

    Potential coordinated activities if budget, time & bounties allows:

    Draft a reference and starter repo for new daos.
    List all the core docs that DAOS need that are not about our software tools.
    Create a template for new DAOs to create a starter/templated knowledge base
    Host a place for daos to learn from each others successes and mistakes through their own contributions to the knowledge base

    Safe that will manage funds
    New Brand & Awareness DAO - to be summoned

    How does this fit into the short/medium/long term goals of the DAO?

    As we shift into a new phase of DAOhaus’ lifespan, it is important to remember where we came from and how we got here. Taking the time now to document our processes & practices will be a huge service to future DAOs in similar positions.

    As v3 prepares to launch, new DAOs will be looking to us to learn how to form and operate effectively. By focusing on capturing our ‘soft knowledge’ on how to run a DAO, we can provide a synergistic augmentation to the ‘hard knowledge’ that our software provides.

    Relevant past work or supporting links

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