Adjust the land parcel/ghst share ratio+ MSG

Due to changes in the price of GHST and member discussion, I’d like to propose lowering the share-donation ratio. Seems 350 GHST is a little too high for those looking to join MSG, and parcel donations need to be readjusted to be more fair. I propose we use for floor prices and adjust the member share requirement to 100 GHST(up for discussion). Let’s discuss below and make the changes to ratios to allow for more members to join and properly distribute loot to make it more fair.


I’m fine with using this as a ballpark estimate/ template to value new member contributions.
1 share = 100 GHST(existing members that donated 350 ghst should get 1 share and at least 2 loot)
1 share= 1 Humble
1 share + 1 loot= 1 Reasonable
1share +9 loot= 1 Spacious
What y’all think.

I feel the same. I originally thought 100 GHST to be the best number.

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and regarding spacious:humble donations what do you think about keeping it simple and saying 10:1 or should it change depending on what the floor is? currently it’s 1100 GHST for a spacious. so 11:1. but always using 100 GHST as the base for entry. do we set ratio now or have it change with floor prices…

i think that is the main question. i think leaving it for now and if it seems out of whack down the road we change it again. and when i say leave it for now, i mean the new ratio we come up with should stay until we propose a change again i guess.

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yeah, this sounds accessible for most, should work. We can always raise it later right?

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What makes most sense is taking the starting rate of GHST / shares / loot and adjusting that once/month or once/quarter depending on price fluctuations. Looks like this:

Starting GHST price: $2
1 share: 100 GHST / $200
1 loot: 125 GHOST / $250

So we assume 1 share is 100 GHST and 1 loot is 125 GHST. Then, we take the floor price of each parcel and round down to the nearest full unit.

1 Humble = 200 GHST: only 1 share if no previous shares, otherwise 1 loot
1 Reasonable = 500 GHST: 1 share, 3 loot (475 GHST total) or 4 loot (500 GHST total)
1 Spacious = 800 GHST: 1 share, 5 loot (725 GHST total) or 6 loot (750 GHST total)

Then, say a month passes and GHST goes up to $2.50, 1 share would be 80 GHST (80 * 2.5 = $200) and 1 loot would be 100 GHST (100 * 2.5 = $250). When then use that adjusted rate with whatever the parcel floor price is at that time.


This looks great to me bro. Let’s get a proposal in on this.


I’ll write up an official proposal as soon as the log jam of guild kicks has gone thru.

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