964: Member Proposal - Request to Join The FoundationsDAO

964: Member Proposal - Request to Join The FoundationsDAO

  1. I’m creating somethings to mix code, NFT and node. see the link.
  2. I’m searching some way to put my ideas into a DAO.
  3. DAOSquare brings me a new world: xDai. I hope I can learn from DAOHaus and FoundationsDAO who are building on xDai.

Thank you!
Relevent Link: mirror.xyz/0x2bA1473Cb3973C288312a92FB8930bB0aF2cAe02/8bWcYmDUEvElmuKrh7-nLPnvw4Qe7-L01Ug6xk8K0gQ
Applicant: 0x2ba1473cb3973c288312a92fb8930bb0af2cae02
Shares: 1
Loot: 0
Tribute Offered: 1000000000000000000
Payment Requested: 0