76: Member Proposal - Kyle Smith membership
I’m a KERNEL Fellow, LexDAO legal engineer, Gitcoin contributor, RaidGuild soldier. I developed novel “(c-b)/a” fractal methods to tessellate the continuous Euclidean plane (aperiodic spin, logarithmic decay). Examples at “Alchemy” https://bestape.github.io/alchemy/ and https://twitter.com/bestape . Holly Grimm has encouraged me to translate Alchemy into Solidity-written generative art, and to take advantage of an opportunity N.J.A. Sloane of https://oeis.org has offered me. Recently sold my first “cryptopoetic” NFT at https://ape.mirror.xyz/ZKORQwl7i-BZJGXWp5HZtV02PuzaGhFzDut9iDfxbyI . Thank you for your consideration!
Relevent Link: besta.pe
Applicant: 0x0d89421d6eec0a4385f95f410732186a2ab45077
Shares: 100
Loot: 0
Tribute Offered: 100000000000000000000
Payment Requested: 0