71: Funding Proposal - DamagedGoods tribute for Dungeon Master (product suite) Phase 0

71: Funding Proposal - DamagedGoods tribute for Dungeon Master (product suite) Phase 0

For establishing the battle plans for the great Dungeon Master quest, I wish that my efforts and penance can be reward by the legendary Raid Guild.

TLDR: 20% bounty token tribute for raid shares
Relevent Link: app.daohaus.club/dao/0x64/0x039286cf4193cba97cf71087e4440961854b6ed0/proposals/2
Applicant: 0x73f19c4e5ffc335932afebf382def646f600e64a
Shares: 98
Loot: 0
Tribute Offered: 490
Payment Requested: 0