66: Signal Proposal - Complete functional test run through Symmetric DEX
Manual functional test run-through of the Symmetric DEX platform. Formal test execution + ad-hoc testing.
This will include:
- Verifying all swap conbinations currenly available over both xDai and Celo chains (244 tests)
- Verifying adding / removing liquidity from all existing pools (currently approx 100 tests but likely to increase)
- Other areas such as filtering, views, calculations, create pool, network switching
Test structure created here: Symmetric - DEX / AMM, password Symmy_0321
contains 350 tests. Execution of all of these, and raising of any defects that arise from efforts involved in formal test execution
and ad-hoc testing.
Timescale: 10 working days
Bounty requested: 250 Symm
Relevent Link:
Applicant: 0x8201933a1f76b2b93e85ae797dcb981d817b4c9f
Shares: 0
Loot: 0
Tribute Offered: 0
Payment Requested: 0