65: Signal Proposal - Automated tests for Symmetric DEX
- Delivery of 2 automated functional tests, along with a prerequisite test to make sure they work upon initial env spinup.
The aim is that these tests will be paramaterised, so that the same test will work across many tokens.
“Gherkin” specification for the tests follows
[Think this will be required after env spinup, possibly only once]
Scenario: Unlock metamask wallet
Given I’m on the Symmetric intro page
And I hit ‘Launch on xDai’
When I enter the correct password for my wallet
And I hit Unlock
Then i see my wallet at top right
[ pre-reqs: Sufficient balance(s) are present in test wallet for all tests, and both tokens are selectable in system ]
Scenario outline: xDai network Swap Tokens
Given I’m in Symmetric DEX
And my metamask wallet is unlocked
And I opt to Swap
And I select
And enter an amount less than balance
And I select
And I see conversion amount prepopulated
When I hit Swap
And I confirm swap in metamask
Then i see “Success”
| swapFrom | swapTo |
[ pre-reqs: Sufficient balance(s) are present in test wallet for all tests,
Unique pool(string?) hardcoded into test and exists ]
Scenario outline: xDai network Add Liqidity
Given I’m in Symmetric DEX
And my metamask wallet is unlocked
And I hit Reward pools from leftnav
And I click on
And I hit ‘Add liquidity’
And I opt to add 0.001
And I see an amount prepopulate for
And I check the Liability box
And I hit 'Unlock ’
And I confirm unlock in Metamask
And I see "You’ve successfully unlocked "
When I hit ‘Add Liquidity’
And i confirm in Metamask
Then I see “You’ve successfully added liquidity”
| pool | token1 | token2 |
| 60% GNO 40% WXDAI | GNO | WXDAI |
| 50% SYMM 50% MIVA | SYMM | MIVA |
| 60% WETH 40% USDC | WETH | USDC |
Timescale: 10 working days
Relevent Link:
Applicant: 0x8201933a1f76b2b93e85ae797dcb981d817b4c9f
Shares: 0
Loot: 0
Tribute Offered: 0
Payment Requested: 0