62: Funding Proposal - Rage comics memes DAO to monitize decentralized memes

62: Funding Proposal - Rage comics memes DAO to monitize decentralized memes

Rage Comics are much more like comic cartoon faces, they are a special type of meme, the absolute funniest original memes built on the internet, same as Cryptocurrency are coins built on the internet, and with the combination of blockchain we value memes through decentralized community , to remain Rage Comics online through decentralized autonomous organization that leads to monetize decentralized memes
Relevent Link: forum.daohaus.club/t/rage-comics-memes-dao-to-montize-memes/11413
Applicant: 0xdE91AC0108dbC92eC6d11F33188B904510a836F0
Shares: 0
Loot: 0
Tribute Offered: 0
Payment Requested: 899094930511272142

$RGC token : $RGC | AstroSpaces.io
Aragon DAO : Aragon
NFT collection : https://opensea.io/collection/ragecomics