60: Funding Proposal - NonFungible Zine
By building this on web3 structured as a decentralized autonomous organization we can collectively find truths within the noise. NonFungible Zine is a community owned and created platform that empowers collectors to make educated decisions when buying NFTs. Our team will focus on researching projects asking the hard questions so you don’t have to.
Don’t Trust. Verify. That’s what we aim to do while also making it fun to learn about projects in the NFT space.
Relevent Link: www.canva.com/design/DAEmoGr8NEE/mMAfyz_Uo9QsZdb9CD0K_Q/view?utm_content=DAEmoGr8NEE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton
Applicant: 0xD0dFeF63BDbEA6ca23b3feD3cceE3AB025bB097b
Shares: 0
Loot: 0
Tribute Offered: 0
Payment Requested: 2000000000000000000000