52: Member Proposal - Membership Request - mrfeelgood

52: Member Proposal - Membership Request - mrfeelgood

A certified UX practitioner by Nielsen Norman Group, with specialisation in UX Management.
I help organizations deliver exceptional UX design. Either as the only hands-on UX designer on a team or by building and supporting competent design teams, depending on the client’s current needs and priorities.

I have designed numerous successful B2B and B2C products, led projects and UX teams. Always in the heart of it were empathy and curiosity, and constantly challenging and pushing myself to do the extra mile.
Relevent Link: www.linkedin.com/in/davortomic/
Applicant: 0xe64d3F087D26C7d153e2286c2BeEA76FE0A5397D
Shares: 100
Loot: 0
Tribute Offered: 500
Payment Requested: 0