4: Funding Proposal - RIP (in retrospect) - DAO and share price migration execution

4: Funding Proposal - RIP (in retrospect) - DAO and share price migration execution

Requesting 1000 wxDAI. See link for details. The funds will go to the migration multisig and distributed to individual contributors from there: https://xdai.gnosis-safe.io/app/#/safes/0xB4256A8f54b1eddE9E8f992cb90Af52327580103

Relevent Link: github.com/raid-guild/RIPs/issues/36
Applicant: 0xB4256A8f54b1eddE9E8f992cb90Af52327580103
Shares: 0
Loot: 0
Tribute Offered: 0
Payment Requested: 1000