21: Funding Proposal - UberHaus Governance Mining Rewards
Requesting funds to UberHaus Paladins Circle Minion “UberHaus Rewards” https://app.daohaus.club/dao/0x64/0x8fbbc168a9726d89b52d85af8108b3a3641b54cc/settings/minion/0x891479080e2626aa3b8ff8c2627e8a9f8641df94
If your DAO participated in meetings, voted on proposals, or tried to participate in governance over the past quarter and got in touch with us, you’ll see that your efforts are being rewarded through this distribution calculation --> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xtttCkz_VEW-68uKhqR3WOJGJ8hTNwFzDTMIpKUzkZs/edit#gid=0
Paladins will be coordinating distributing rewards through a disperse minion, stay tuned in the discord, forum, and newsletter for updates
Relevent Link: forum.daohaus.club/t/funding-proposal-22-haus-rewards-distro/1127
Applicant: 0x891479080e2626aa3b8ff8c2627e8a9f8641df94
Shares: 0
Loot: 0
Tribute Offered: 0
Payment Requested: 1000