188: Member Proposal - Membership for Travis Wyche
Hi! I’m part of the season 2 cohort, spearheading the Origin Stories/Web3 Freelancer Handbook RIP. I’m also scheming up some raids with the Wordsmiths to UX audit DAO handbooks, contribute to MolochDAO technical docs, contribute to UberHaus marketing, integrate perspectives from MGD… and I just spoke at MCON . I’m eager to get more involved in cleric, monk, scribe, archer, and healer roles. Jonathanp will champion my proposal! @travis_wyche is a huuuman beeeing
Relevent Link: medium.com/@traviswyche
Applicant: 0x2619c649d98ddddbb0b218823354fe1d41bf5ce0
Shares: 100
Loot: 0
Tribute Offered: 500000000000000000000
Payment Requested: 0