15: Funding Proposal - Froge Rainforest Initiatives

15: Funding Proposal - Froge Rainforest Initiatives

In order to make the image of Froge more serious, it would might be worthwhile to sponsor, host, or promote events that help spread awareness of rainforest loss and the effects this has on the planet.

These may include

  • burn events, but the burns happen not to the burn wallet, but to the wallet of CoolEarth or some other climate charity.
  • presence at or sponsorship of events like conferences about climate change or SDGs (sustainability development goals)
  • promote SDGs through the company too
  • partnerships with foundations that promote net zero carbon footprint

Here is also a list of holidays to call out in tweets:
March 3: World Wildlife Day
March 20: World Frog Day
March 21: International Day of Forests
April 10: Arbor Day
April 22: Earth Day
May 22: World Biodiversity Day
June 22: World Rainforest Day
July 31: International Ranger Day
September 5: Amazon Rainforest Day
September 18: World Cleanup Day
September 21: Zero Emissions Day
September 26: Environmental Health Day
First Monday of October: World Habitat Day
October 24: International Day of Climate Action

Relevent Link:
Applicant: 0xba9f6d7f03673e116d6584c1790ad8b1e9235d7b
Shares: 0
Loot: 0
Tribute Offered: 300000000
Payment Requested: 20000

This is fantastic, we should definitely bring this ribbit into the real dao when we launch!

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Yeah This needs to be in the real Doa

I have actually been working on reaching out to other eco-minded charities, NPO’s, and companies. I’m also working on compiling a list of such for future reference for promotional partnerships etc. Regenerative Agriculture, Alternative Building, Reforestisation Reliefs, etc. The DAO will benefit these sorts if things greatly.

Of things not if things. On mobile and of almost always auto corrects to if…:rofl::rofl:


I love this! Didn’t even realize all of these holidays existed lol.