121: Funding Proposal - RIP: Smart Invoice Launch and Escrow Upgrade - Part 2
This is Part 2 of the full funding request for this RIP: the remaining $3000 of the $7500 total budget.
Part 1 proposal: https://app.daohaus.club/dao/0x64/0xfe1084bc16427e5eb7f13fc19bcd4e641f7d571f/proposals/29
Requested funds will be sent to the xCrow DAO’s minion.
Relevent Link: github.com/raid-guild/RIPs/issues/40
Applicant: 0x224c60c0c2555cb1605052e24496b0351d6f379e
Shares: 0
Loot: 0
Tribute Offered: 0
Payment Requested: 3000000000000000000000