0: Member Proposal - Request for Shares for Initial Work/Commencement of DAO

0: Member Proposal - Request for Shares for Initial Work/Commencement of DAO

Request for shares related to the initial development and commencement of the DAO. Work performed in creating a comprehensive business plan and legal structure.
Relevent Link: medium.com/@pjequilibriumdao/equilibrium-dao-llc-19f822494ce2
Applicant: 0xb02ce57d40c7eb70bde88e570c78a4d0f4fd96ba
Shares: 100000
Loot: 0
Tribute Offered: 0
Payment Requested: 0

Due to the competitive nature of this industry, although completed, the full legal structure and business plan will not be released until launch of the protocol on the Ethereum mainnet. Based on the work hours and value contributed to the protocol, the request for shares is considered market-oriented and reasonable.